Mr. Knightley had a cheerful manner , which always did him good ; and his many inquiriesinquiryafter “ poor Isabella ” and her children were answeredanswermost satisfactorily .
Milt Dale answeredanswerthat question to Beasley 's discredit ; and many strange matters pertaining to sheep and herders , always a mystery to the little village of Pine , now becamebecomeas clear as daylight .
“ Oh , ” he answeredanswer, in a very pleasing way and with an assumed air of mistake , “ I thoughtthinkyou did . ”
‘ You are right , ’ I answeredanswer, ‘ it is ; but I take it that we are all three of us in search of a big order .
‘ This day month , ’ I answeredanswer, ‘ by the British India steamboat ; and do n’t you be so certain that things have no existence because you do not happen to have heard of them .
" You 're a dear , and nothing else , " answeredanswerMeg warmly , and no one contradicted her , for the ' Mouse ' was the pet of the family .
I answeredanswerin a few words , but in the most submissive manner , liftingliftup my left hand , and both my eyes to the sun , as calling him for a witness ; and being almost famished with hunger , having not eaten a morsel for some hours before I leftleavethe ship , I foundfindthe demandsdemandof nature so strong upon me , that I could not forbear showingshowmy impatience ( perhaps against the strict rules of decency ) by puttingputmy finger frequently to my mouth , to signifysignifythat I wanted food .
I answeredanswerin few wordsword, but to no purpose , and made a signsignwith my hand that was loose , puttingputit to the other ( but over his excellency ’s head for fear of hurting him or his train ) and then to my own head and body , to signify that I desired my liberty .
“ My dear Rose , ” I answeredanswer, layinglaydown my egg-spoon , “ why in the world should I do anything ?
“ To a man of spirit , my dear Rose , ” I answeredanswer, “ opportunities are duties . ”
" I do n't think I shall send it anywhere , " he answeredanswer, tossingtosshis head back in that odd way that used to make his friends laugh at him at Oxford .
" You do n't understand me , Harry , " answeredanswerthe artist .
" Not at all , " answeredanswerLord Henry , " not at all , my dear Basil .
" There is no speedier delivery ? " and seemed quite disappointed when she answeredanswer, " No . "