“ Now , Kitty , you may cough as much as you choose , ” saidsayMr. Bennet ; and , as he spokespeak, he leftleavethe room , fatigued with the rapturesraptureof his wife .
The writer spokespeakof acute bodily illness -- of a mental disorder which oppressed him -- and of an earnest desire to see me , as his best , and indeed his only personal friend , with a view of attempting , by the cheerfulness of my society , some alleviation of his malady .
And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features , and of the expression they were wont to convey , lay so much of change that I doubteddoubtto whom I spokespeak.
His excellency , having mountedmounton the small of my right leg , advancedadvancedforwards up to my face , with about a dozen of his retinue ; and producingproducehis credentials under the signet royal , which he appliedapplyclose to my eyes , spokespeakabout ten minutes without any signs of anger , but with a kind of determinate resolution , often pointingpointforwards , which , as I afterwards foundfind, was towards the capital city , about half a mile distant ; whither it was agreedagreeby his majesty in council that I must be conveyed .
From our end of the great brown hall we heardhearhis stepstepon the stair ; whereupon Mrs. Griffin spokespeak.
( and she triedtryto curtsey as she spokespeak-- fancy CURTSEYING as you ’re falling through the air !
This view of Marner 's personality was not without another ground than his pale face and unexampled eyes ; for Jem Rodney , the mole-catcher , averredaverthat one evening as he was returningreturnhomeward , he sawseeSilas Marner leaning against a stile with a heavy bag on his back , instead of resting the bag on the stile as a man in his senses would have done ; and that , on comingcomeup to him , he sawseethat Marner 's eyes were set like a dead man 's , and he spokespeakto him , and shookshakehim , and his limbs were stiff , and his hands clutchedclutchthe bag as if they 'd been made of iron ; but just as he had mademakeup his mind that the weaver was dead , he camecomeall right again , like , as you might say , in the winking of an eye , and saidsay" Good-night " , and walkedwalkoff .
Concerning that night 's ride , the man spokespeakmost eloquently for himself , in a little shed back of a saloon on the San Francisco water front .
“ Any pretty girls up this way ? ” he inquiredinquirelanguidly , after a moment , fanningfana thin smoke-cloud from before his face while he spokespeak.
As the young woman spokespeak, he roserise, and advancingadvanceto the bed 's head , saidsay, with more kindness than might have been expected of him : ' Oh , you must not talk about dying yet . '
Robert spokespeakof his intention to go to Mexico in the autumn , where fortune awaited him .
He sat in the corner with his back to the window-blind and spokespeaknow , having eateneatand drunkdrunkand being comfortably warmedwarmthrough , with less aggressive brevity than before .