When he pausedpauseby the clerk 's desk on his way out , to lightlighthis cigar , the day clerk , who had just come on duty , glancedglanceat the register and readreadthe last entry : -- " ' JOHN WARWICK , CLARENCE , SOUTH CAROLINA . '
Chapter 2 Margaret glancedglanceat her sister 's note and pushedpushit over the breakfast-table to her aunt .
He glancedglanceround him , and sawseethat , save for Katharine , they were all over forty , the only consolationconsolationbeing that Mr. Fortescue was a considerable celebrity , so that to-morrow one might be glad to have met him .
He was already acquainted with the market reports , and he glancedglancerestlessly over the editorials and bits of news which he had not had time to read before quittingquitNew Orleans the day before .
She glancedglanceat his white-swathed head and blue goggles again as she was goinggoout of the door ; but his napkin was still in front of his face .