They had recently seen a chosen army from that country , which , reverencing as a mother , they had blindly believed invincible -- an army led by a chief who had been selectedselectfrom a crowd of trained warriors , for his rare military endowments , disgracefully routedrouteby a handful of French and Indians , and only savedsavefrom annihilation by the coolness and spirit of a Virginian boy , whose riper fame has since diffused itself , with the steady influence of moral truth , to the uttermost confines of Christendom .
The reputation earnedearnby Washington in this battlebattlewas the principal cause of his being selectedselectto command the American armies at a later day .
This little boy steppedstepforward and carefully selectedselectthree of the coveted fragments , two of which he buriedburyin the pocket of his knickerbockers , depositingdepositthe other as promptly in another place .