Nothing told me then that she , a few years hence , would be the wife of one entirely unknown to me as yet , but destined hereafter to become a closer friend than even herself , more intimate than that unmannerly lad of seventeen , by whom I was collaredcollarin the passage , on comingcomedown , and well-nigh jerkedjerkoff my equilibrium , and who , in correction for his impudenceimpudence, received a resounding whackwhackover the sconce , which , however , sustained no serious injury from the infliction ; as , besides being more than commonly thick , it was protected by a redundant shock of short , reddish curls , that my mother called auburn .
One night , as he lay in bed , the windswindhad carriedcarryto him the clangoringclangorof the church bell as some enthusiast jerkedjerkthe rope frantically to tell the twisted news of a great battle .
He jerkedjerkhis thumb toward the dazzling Miguel .