, and he gotgetup and ranruntoward her in his heavy shoes .
A shabby little traveling man , who was just then comingcomeout of the store on his way to the saloon , stoppedstopand gazedgazestupidly at the shining mass of hair she baredbarewhen she tooktakeoff her veil ; two thick braids , pinned about her head in the German way , with a fringe of reddish-yellow curls blowingblowout from under her cap .
My mother was sitting by the firefire, but poorly in health , and very low in spirits , lookinglookat it through her tearstear, and despondingdespondheavily about herself and the fatherless little stranger , who was already welcomedwelcomeby some grosses of prophetic pins , in a drawer upstairs , to a world not at all excited on the subject of his arrivalarrival; my mother , I say , was sitting by the firefire, that bright , windy March afternoon , very timid and sad , and very doubtful of ever coming alive out of the trial that was before her , when , liftinglifther eyes as she drieddrythem , to the window opposite , she sawseea strange lady comingcomeup the garden .
He lived about a mile from Highbury , was a frequent visitor , and always welcome , and at this time more welcome than usual , as comingcomedirectly from their mutual connexions in London .
It was in the dark , in a carriage , comingcomeback from a hunt ball .
Nothing told me then that she , a few years hence , would be the wife of one entirely unknown to me as yet , but destined hereafter to become a closer friend than even herself , more intimate than that unmannerly lad of seventeen , by whom I was collaredcollarin the passage , on comingcomedown , and well-nigh jerkedjerkoff my equilibrium , and who , in correction for his impudenceimpudence, received a resounding whackwhackover the sconce , which , however , sustained no serious injury from the infliction ; as , besides being more than commonly thick , it was protected by a redundant shock of short , reddish curls , that my mother called auburn .
He 's to meet me here , comingcomeup from Malvern , and I supposedsupposehe 'd already have arrived .
Chapter 1 Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow comingcomedown along the road and this moocow that was comingcomedown along the road metmeeta nicens little boy named baby tuckoo ... His father toldtellhim that story : his father lookedlookat him through a glass : he had a hairy face .
Chapter 1 Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow comingcomedown along the road and this moocow that was comingcomedown along the road metmeeta nicens little boy named baby tuckoo ... His father toldtellhim that story : his father lookedlookat him through a glass : he had a hairy face .
Casually glancingglanceover the hedge , Oak sawseecomingcomedown the incline before him an ornamental spring waggon , painted yellow and gaily marked , drawndrawby two horses , a waggoner walkingwalkalongside bearingbeara whip perpendicularly .
This view of Marner 's personality was not without another ground than his pale face and unexampled eyes ; for Jem Rodney , the mole-catcher , averredaverthat one evening as he was returningreturnhomeward , he sawseeSilas Marner leaning against a stile with a heavy bag on his back , instead of resting the bag on the stile as a man in his senses would have done ; and that , on comingcomeup to him , he sawseethat Marner 's eyes were set like a dead man 's , and he spokespeakto him , and shookshakehim , and his limbs were stiff , and his hands clutchedclutchthe bag as if they 'd been made of iron ; but just as he had mademakeup his mind that the weaver was dead , he camecomeall right again , like , as you might say , in the winking of an eye , and saidsay" Good-night " , and walkedwalkoff .
The sun was comingcomein at the window warm and bright ; the orchard on the slope below the house was in a bridal flush of pinky-white bloom , hummedhumover by a myriad of bees .