and was wakenedwakenby the continuous knockingknockat my door , so I guess I must have been sleeping soundly then .
When the people observedobserveI was quiet , they discharged no more arrows ; but , by the noisenoiseI heardhear, I knewknowtheir numbers increasedincrease; and about four yards from me , over against my right ear , I heardheara knockingknockfor above an hour , like that of people at work ; when turningturnmy head that way , as well as the pegs and strings would permit me , I sawseea stage erectederectabout a foot and a half from the ground , capable of holding four of the inhabitants , with two or three ladders to mount it : from whence one of them , who seemed to be a person of quality , made me a long speechspeech, whereof I understood not one syllable .