, “ It is very kind of you , Mr. Knightley , to comecomeout at this late hour to callcallupon us .
“ And so this is your first visit to Chicago , ” he observedobserve.
“ No mention of that local hunt , Watson , ” saidsayHolmes with a mischievous smilesmile, “ but a country doctor , as you very astutely observedobserve.
Its pendulum swungswingto and fro with a dull , heavy , monotonous clangclang; and when the minute-hand mademakethe circuit of the face , and the hour was to be stricken , there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a soundsoundwhich was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical , but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that , at each lapse of an hour , the musicians of the orchestra were constrainedconstrainto pausepause, momentarily , in their performanceperformance, to harkenharkento the soundsound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceasedceasetheir evolutionsevolution; and there was a brief disconcertdisconcertof the whole gay company ; and , while the chimes of the clock yet rangrang, it was observedobservethat the giddiest grew palepale, and the more aged and sedate passedpasstheir hands over their brows as if in confused revery or meditation .
that spoils it — I ’d hoped she was a witch , ’ observedobserveFergus , while carvingcarvehis inch-thick slice of bread and butter .
When the people observedobserveI was quiet , they discharged no more arrows ; but , by the noisenoiseI heardhear, I knewknowtheir numbers increasedincrease; and about four yards from me , over against my right ear , I heardheara knockingknockfor above an hour , like that of people at work ; when turningturnmy head that way , as well as the pegs and strings would permit me , I sawseea stage erectederectabout a foot and a half from the ground , capable of holding four of the inhabitants , with two or three ladders to mount it : from whence one of them , who seemed to be a person of quality , made me a long speechspeech, whereof I understood not one syllable .
I observedobservethere was the flesh of several animals , but could not distinguish them by the taste .
After some time , when they observedobservethat I made no more demands for meat , there appearedappearbefore me a person of high rank from his imperial majesty .
“ You are nine-and-twenty , ” she observedobserve, “ and you ’ve done nothing but -- ” “ Knock about ?
The last Lord Chancellor handledhandleit neatly , when , correctingcorrectMr. Blowers , the eminent silk gown who said that such a thing might happen when the sky rained potatoes , he observedobserve, " or when we get through Jarndyce and Jarndyce , Mr. Blowers " -- a pleasantry that particularly tickledticklethe maces , bags , and purses .
They even vaguely smiledsmileat it , and Strether presently observedobservethat Mr. Waymarsh would , no doubt , be easily to be seen .
She simply observedobserveherself as a fair product of Nature in the feminine kind , her thoughtsthoughtseeming to glide into far-off though likely dramas in which men would play a part -- vistas of probable triumphs -- the smilessmilebeing of a phase suggesting that hearts were imagined as lost and won .
“ Well , I guess you had better be quiet , ” she simply observedobserve.
“ And I 'll gamblegamblethat 's a spot higher than he stacks up in the cow game , ” Pink observedobservewith the pessimism which matrimony had given him .
But by this time we had all long ceasedceaseto pay any particular notice to the song ; it was new , that night , to nobody but Dr. Livesey , and on him I observedobserveit did not produce an agreeable effect , for he lookedlookup for a moment quite angrily before he went on with his talktalkto old Taylor , the gardener , on a new cure for the rheumatics .
But Mrs. Hilbery was immediately sensitive to any silence in the drawing-room , as of a dumb note in a sonorous scale , and leaningleanacross the table she observedobserve, in the curiously tentative detached manner which always gave her phrases the likeness of butterflies flaunting from one sunny spot to another , “ D’you know , Mr. Denham , you remind me so much of dear Mr. Ruskin ... .
His own investigationsinvestigationhad begun on a day in the preceding spring when , having been engaged in tracingtracethe vicissitudes of the d'Urberville family , he had observedobserveDurbeyfield 's name on his waggon , and had thereupon been led to make inquiries about his father and grandfather till he had no doubt on the subject .