' She is a lucky girl , ' repliedreplyanother voice , which Margaret knew to be that of Mrs. Gibson , a lady who was taking a double interestinterestin the conversationconversation, from the fact of one of her daughters having been marriedmarrywithin the last few weeks .
But the old man decidedly refusedrefuse, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend , who , when he found the father inexorable , quittedquithis country , nor returnedreturnuntil he heardhearthat his former mistress was marriedmarryaccording to her inclinations .
After the deathdeathof his father he marriedmarrya very amiable woman , his equal in birth , and not his superior in fortune .
In her less important moments she returnedreturnto America , metmeetStephen Blaine and marriedmarryhim -- this almost entirely because she was a little bit weary , a little bit sad .
This gentleman had in his youth marriedmarrya very worthy and beautiful woman , of whom he had been extremely fond : by her he had three children , all of whom died in their infancy .
I tooktakepart of a small house in the Old Jewry ; and being advisedadviseto alter my condition , I marriedmarryMrs. Mary Burton , second daughter to Mr. Edmund Burton , hosier , in Newgate-street , with whom I receivedreceivefour hundred pounds for a portion .
As for Rudolf , he wentgoback to Ruritania , marriedmarrya wife , and ascendedascendthe throne , whereon his progeny in the direct line have sat from then till this very hour -- with one short interval .
I give Pirrip as my father 's family name , on the authority of his tombstone and my sister , -- Mrs. Joe Gargery , who marriedmarrythe blacksmith .
He gotgeta good estate by merchandise , and leavingleaveoff his trade , lived afterwards at York , from whence he had marriedmarrymy mother , whose relations were named Robinson , a very good family in that country , and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer ; but , by the usual corruption of words in England , we are now called — nay we call ourselves and write our name — Crusoe ; and so my companions always called me .
Early in his career Adam Patch had marriedmarryan anemic lady of thirty , Alicia Withers , who brought him one hundred thousand dollars and an impeccable entré into the banking circles of New York .
This Fifth Avenue Chesterfield marriedmarryat twenty-two .
I. Mary , the heroine of this fiction , was the daughter of Edward , who marriedmarryEliza , a gentle , fashionable girl , with a kind of indolence in her temper , which might be termed negative good-nature : her virtues , indeed , were all of that stamp .
As for the pretty creature whom Dr Marjoribanks had marriedmarry, she had vanishedvanishinto thin air years and years ago .
" Walter Elliot , bornbearMarch 1 , 1760 , marriedmarry, July 15 , 1784 , Elizabeth , daughter of James Stevenson , Esq. of South Park , in the county of Gloucester , by which lady ( who dieddie1800 ) he has issueissueElizabeth , born June 1 , 1785 ; Anne , bornbearAugust 9 , 1787 ; a still-bornstillson , November 5 , 1789 ; Mary , bornbearNovember 20 , 1791 . "
Then followed the history and rise of the ancient and respectable family , in the usual terms ; how it had been first settledsettlein Cheshire ; how mentioned in Dugdale , serving the office of high sheriff , representing a borough in three successive parliaments , exertions of loyalty , and dignity of baronet , in the first year of Charles II , with all the Marys and Elizabeths they had marriedmarry; forming altogether two handsome duodecimo pages , and concluding with the arms and motto : -- " Principal seat , Kellynch Hall , in the county of Somerset , " and Sir Walter 's handwriting again in this finale : -- " Heir presumptive , William Walter Elliot , Esq. , great grandson of the second Sir Walter . "