for Captain Eldridge : a person ledleadthem up several pair of dirty stairs , and pointingpointto a door which led to a miserable , small apartment , saidsaythat was the Captain ’s room , and retiredretire.
" God , " saidsaythe dying man , pointingpointhis finger , with a ghastly looklook, at the undismayed countenance of his enemy , -- " God will give him blood to drink ! "
His excellency , having mountedmounton the small of my right leg , advancedadvancedforwards up to my face , with about a dozen of his retinue ; and producingproducehis credentials under the signet royal , which he appliedapplyclose to my eyes , spokespeakabout ten minutes without any signs of anger , but with a kind of determinate resolution , often pointingpointforwards , which , as I afterwards foundfind, was towards the capital city , about half a mile distant ; whither it was agreedagreeby his majesty in council that I must be conveyed .