off a second time , before I could seize them ; whereupon there was a great shoutshoutin a very shrill accent , and after it ceasedceaseI heardhearone of them crycryaloud _ Tolgo phonac _ ; when in an instant I feltfeelabove a hundred arrows dischargeddischargeon my left hand , which , prickedprickme like so many needles ; and besides , they shotshootanother flightflightinto the air , as we do bombs in Europe , whereof many , I suppose , fell on my body , ( though I felt them not ) , and some on my face , which I immediately coveredcoverwith my left hand .
The oldest of the colts raisedraisehis head , prickedprickhis ears , and saidsay, “ There are the hounds ! ” and immediately canteredcanteroff , followedfollowby the rest of us to the upper part of the field , where we could look over the hedge and see several fields beyond .