I was in the utmost astonishment , and roaredroarso loud , that they all ranrunback in a fright ; and some of them , as I was afterwards toldtell, were hurthurtwith the fallsfallthey got by leapingleapfrom my sides upon the ground .
But the creatures ranrunoff a second time , before I could seize them ; whereupon there was a great shoutshoutin a very shrill accent , and after it ceasedceaseI heardhearone of them crycryaloud _ Tolgo phonac _ ; when in an instant I feltfeelabove a hundred arrows dischargeddischargeon my left hand , which , prickedprickme like so many needles ; and besides , they shotshootanother flightflightinto the air , as we do bombs in Europe , whereof many , I suppose , fell on my body , ( though I felt them not ) , and some on my face , which I immediately coveredcoverwith my left hand .
The old horse snortedsnortand lookedlookeagerly after them , and we young colts wantedwantto be galloping with them , but they were soon awayawayinto the fields lower down ; here it seemed as if they had come to a stand ; the dogs leftleaveoff barkingbark, and ranrunabout every way with their noses to the ground .
Then some one ranrunto our master ’s house and camecomeback with a gun ; presently there was a loud bangbangand a dreadful shriekshriek, and then all was stillstill; the black horse moved no more .
So she was consideringconsiderin her own mind ( as well as she could , for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid ) , whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies , when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ranrunclose by her .
( when she thoughtthinkit over afterwards , it occurredoccurto her that she ought to have wondered at this , but at the time it all seemed quite natural ) ; but when the Rabbit actually TOOKtakeA WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT-POCKET , and lookedlookat it , and then hurriedhurryon , Alice startedstartto her feet , for it flashedflashacross her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket , or a watch to take out of it , and burning with curiosity , she ranrunacross the field after it , and fortunately was just in time to seeseeit poppopdown a large rabbit-hole under the hedge .
Then Jack Lawton 's yellow boots dodgeddodgeout the ball and all the other boots and legs ranrunafter .
While I was still vainly tryingtryto establish order , I heardheara frightful yellingyellon the other side of the courtyard , and at once ranruntowards the criescry, in dreaddreadof finding some new outbreak of the pillage in that direction .