on his mind to be easily eradicated : having therefore spent three whole days in thinkingthinkon her and in endeavouringendeavourto form some plan for seeing her , he determineddetermineto set off for Chichester , and trust to chance either to favour or frustrate his designsdesign.
No one took the trouble to grunt even ; and presently he saidsay, very slow -- “ I was thinkingthinkof very old times , when the Romans first came here , nineteen hundred years ago -- the other day ... .
CHAPTER I THE CONSUL ’S YARN A week had passed since the funeralfuneralof my poor boy Harry , and one evening I was in my room walkingwalkup and down and thinkingthink, when there was a ringringat the outer door .
As I lookedlookat him I could not help thinkingthinkwhat a curious contrast my little dried-up self presented to his grand face and form .
She did n't say " perhaps never , " but each silently addedaddit , thinkingthinkof Father far away , where the fighting was .
Stephen felt his own face red too , thinkingthinkof all the bets about who would get first place in elements , Jack Lawton or he .
The captain was on the point of making an angry reply , but , thinkingthinkbetter of it , turnedturnon his heel and black and scowling , strodestrideaft .
While he was thinkingthinkof something else to say , the young lady turnedturnto the little boy again .