and threat of trade not just scared off financial traders , it is also starting to impact physical energy prices as consumers hold back on new orders in a sign of a real slowdownSlow.weakon the ground .
China this week reported slightly slowerSlow.weakgrowth for the second quarter and the weakestSlow.weakexpansion in factory activity in June in two years .
Looking ahead into the second quarter , I expect oil futures to continue to increaseMovement.up.gainwhile being kept in check by plentifulGrow.strongUS shale output levels and caution over the prospect of a weakningSlow.weakin domestic consumption .
LONDON ( Reuters ) - European demand for diesel is expected to have collapsedMovement.down.lossin the fourth quarter of 2018 for the first quarterly fallMovement.down.lossin nearly two years , the International Energy Agency reported on Thursday , the latest sign of slowdownSlow.weakin the fuel market .
U.S. employment data faltersSlow.weakwith the euro zone , where Germany 's Bundesbank this week trimmedMovement.down.lossits 2014 growth forecasts for Europe 's largest economy to 4.00 % .
China is expected this week to report economic growth slowingSlow.weakto 7.2 percent from a year ago , the weakest since the depths of the last global economic crisisCrisis.
LONDON ( Reuters ) - Brent crude oil steadiedMovement.flataround around $ 105 per barrel on Tuesday , supported by vulnerableSlow.weaksupply and hopes of demand growth from the world 's top oil consumers , the United States and China .
Europe , where roughly half of cars are fueled by diesel , joins the United States , United States and Europe which saw consumption distressSlow.weakfor a second consecutive quarter in January-March , according to the IEA .
`` Barring a large additional geopolitical disruptionCause.movement.down.loss, producers face a supply tsunami even before factoring in a growth slowdownSlow.weak, '' said Bob McNally , president of Rapidan Energy Advisors LLC and a former oil official at the White House under President George W. Bush .
In recent developments , the International Energy Agency -LRB- IEA -RRB- reported oil demand for the fourth quarter of 2018 was fallingMovement.down.lossbecause of large dropouts in Asia and Europe plus slowerSlow.weakgrowth in the US .
In the United States and Japan the weakeningSlow.weakdemand was linked to slower manufacturing and industrial activity and a mild winter in North America .
But Lagarde warned fallingMovement.down.losscrude prices were hitting some oil exporters particularly hard , especially Russia , Iran , Venezuela and Nigeria , leaving their economies vulnerableSlow.weak.