As she thoughtthinkof the delight of filling the important post of only daughter in Helstone parsonage , pieces of the conversationconversationout of the next room camecomeupon her ears .
' She is a lucky girl , ' repliedreplyanother voice , which Margaret knew to be that of Mrs. Gibson , a lady who was taking a double interestinterestin the conversationconversation, from the fact of one of her daughters having been marriedmarrywithin the last few weeks .
On the occasion of my last visitvisitin your delectable household Jervis and I had a very solemn conversationconversationin regard to ( 1 ) marriage , ( 2 ) the low ideals of politicians , ( 3 ) the frivolous , useless lives that society women lead .
Two owls are perched near me , and are carrying on a long conversationconversationthat I enjoyenjoyas much as any warbling of nightingales .