, the old man arosearisefrom his seat , and shakingshakeBlakeney by the hand with great cordiality , offeredofferTemple his chair ; and there being but three in the room , seatedseathimself on the side of his little bed with evident composure .
And if turning up my hair makes me one , I 'll wear it in two tails till I 'm twenty , " criedcryJo , pullingpulloff her net , and shakingshakedown a chestnut mane .
Stephen Dedalus , displeased and sleepy , leanedleanhis arms on the top of the staircase and lookedlookcoldly at the shakingshakegurglinggurgleface that blessedblesshim , equine in its length , and at the light untonsured hair , grained and hued like pale oak .