into the parlour my mother had comecomefrom , the firefirein the best room on the other side of the passage not being lighted -- not having been lighted , indeed , since my father ’s funeralfuneral; and when they were both seatedseat, and Miss Betsey said nothing , my mother , after vainly tryingtryto restrain herself , began to crycry.
, with a final burstburstof love triumphant , as she pressedpressthe dishevelled daisy to her lips and liftedlifther large eyes to the sophisticated countenance of the little brown Faust-Capoul , who was vainly tryingtry, in a tight purple velvet doublet and plumed cap , to look as pure and true as his artless victim .
But there was one , and I could seeseeTerry , with compass and notebook , markingmarkdirections and tryingtryto place landmarks .
The stars were shining , and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful ; and I heardhearan owl , away off , who-whooing about somebody that was dead , and a whippowill and a dog cryingcryabout somebody that was going to die ; and the windwindwas tryingtryto whisper something to me , and I could n't make out what it was , and so it made the cold shiversshiverrun over me .
There were doors all round the hall , but they were all locked ; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other , tryingtryevery door , she walkedwalksadly down the middle , wonderingwonderhow she was ever to get out again .
While I was still vainly tryingtryto establish order , I heardheara frightful yellingyellon the other side of the courtyard , and at once ranruntowards the criescry, in dreaddreadof finding some new outbreak of the pillage in that direction .