of interest he laidlaydown his cigarette , and carryingcarrythe cane to the window , he lookedlookover it again with a convex lens .
Sir Henry laidlayhis head back in his arm-chair and laughedlaughone of his deep laughs .
He therefore dugdighis cellar , and laidlaythe deep foundations of his mansion , on the square of earth whence Matthew Maule , forty years before , had first sweptsweepaway the fallen leaves .
He laidlaythe foundations for a library by purchasingpurchasefrom a wandering bibliophile first editions of Swinburne , Meredith , and Hardy , and a yellowed illegible autograph letter of Keats 's , finding later that he had been amazingly overchargedovercharge.
Stretchingstretchforth the official staff in his left hand , he laidlayhis right upon the shoulder of a young woman , whom he thus drewdrawforward , until , on the threshold of the prison-door , she repelledrepelhim , by an actionactionmarked with natural dignity and force of character , and steppedstepinto the open air as if by her own free will .
After him , the packet from her London flat was inspectedinspectand its contents laidlayaside for future perusal .
He made no answer , and had turnedturnhis face away from her again , and Mrs. Hall , feelingfeelthat her conversational advancesadvancewere ill-timed , laidlaythe rest of the table things in a quick staccato and whiskedwhiskout of the room .
She had cookedcookthe ham and eggs , laidlaythe table , and done everything , while Millie ( help indeed ! )