His sister was a tall , strong girl , and she walkedwalkrapidly and resolutely , as if she knew exactly where she was going and what she was going to do next .
The backgammon-table was placedplace; but a visitor immediately afterwards walkedwalkin and mademakeit unnecessary .
He had returnedreturnto a late dinnerdinner, after some days ' absence , and now walkedwalkup to Hartfield to say that all were well in Brunswick Square .
As he walkedwalkalong behind her at a measured distance , he could not help notingnotethe details that made up this pleasing impression , for his mind was singularly alive to beauty , in whatever embodiment .
He could see that she was tastefully , though not richly , dressed , and that she walkedwalkwith an elastic step that revealedreveala light heart and the vigor of perfect health .
" I wonderwonderwhether the little scamp will prove honest , " saidsayMr. Greyson to himself , as he walkedwalkaway .
A clergyman in search of the Cooper Institute he once directeddirectto the Tombs Prison , and , followingfollowhim unobserved , was highly delighteddelightwhen the unsuspicious stranger walkedwalkup the front steps of the great stone building on Centre Street , and triedtryto obtain admission .
I walkedwalkaway slowly along the sunny side of the street , readingreadall the theatrical advertisements in the shop-windows as I wentgo.
Though young , his long back was already bowed , and he walkedwalkwith a forward thrustthrustof his head and a general air of peering benevolence .
A classmate named Stewart Snyder , a competent bulky young man in a gray flannel shirt , a rusty black bow tie , and the green-and-purple class cap , grumbledgrumbleto her as they walkedwalkbehind the others in the muck of the South St. Paul stockyards , “ These college chumps make me tired .
The declivity was so small , that I walkedwalknear a mile before I gotgetto the shore , which I conjecturedconjecturewas about eight o’clock in the evening .
There were doors all round the hall , but they were all locked ; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other , tryingtryevery door , she walkedwalksadly down the middle , wonderingwonderhow she was ever to get out again .
A fellow askedaskhim to give it one last : but he walkedwalkon without even answering the fellow .
This view of Marner 's personality was not without another ground than his pale face and unexampled eyes ; for Jem Rodney , the mole-catcher , averredaverthat one evening as he was returningreturnhomeward , he sawseeSilas Marner leaning against a stile with a heavy bag on his back , instead of resting the bag on the stile as a man in his senses would have done ; and that , on comingcomeup to him , he sawseethat Marner 's eyes were set like a dead man 's , and he spokespeakto him , and shookshakehim , and his limbs were stiff , and his hands clutchedclutchthe bag as if they 'd been made of iron ; but just as he had mademakeup his mind that the weaver was dead , he camecomeall right again , like , as you might say , in the winking of an eye , and saidsay" Good-night " , and walkedwalkoff .
Reachingreachthe top floor , he walkedwalkalong the passage and knocked on a door at the end of it .
Then she walkedwalkoff the lawn to the meadow , whose corner to the right I can just seesee.
She had walkedwalksome distance , for her shoes were worn to pieces ; but where she came from , or where she was going to , nobody knows . '
The medical gentleman walkedwalkaway to dinner ; and the nurse , having once more appliedapplyherself to the green bottle , satsitdown on a low chair before the firefire, and proceeded to dressdressthe infant .
When he was gonego, Durbeyfield walkedwalka few steps in a profound reverie , and then satsitdown upon the grassy bank by the roadside , depositingdeposithis basket before him .
He walkedwalkdown the gallery and across the narrow “ bridges ” which connected the Lebrun cottages one with the other .